Preguntas Frecuentes

Encuentra respuestas a preguntas frecuentes sobre nuestros servicios

Dependiendo de la cantidad de personas para un determinado Tour, Traslado o Evento, asignamos unidades de transporte de distintas capacidades como Vans, Encavas, Expresos o Buscamas. En todas las opciones el vehículo está en óptimas condiciones, asientos en buen estado, aire acondicionado para garantizar un viaje cómodo.

Si, en todos nuestros traslados se ofrece llevar a nuestros pasajeros a su destino, al lugar del evento, las unidades de transporte ofrecen la espera a la culminación del evento para el retorno.

Si, nuestros Tours son privados, exclusivos para uso de nuestros pasajeros. Aunque está permitido dejar pertenencias dentro de las unidades no nos hacemos responsables por el extravío de algún objeto, por lo que recomendamos siempre nunca dejar nada de valor, ya que los vehículos tienen acceso libre para nuestros pasajeros.

Cada viaje, tour o traslado es distinto y tiene sus recomendaciones específicas, en caso de conciertos donde el retorno es el mismo día, llevar suéter, hidratación, powerbanks, cargadores, y evitar llevar objetos innecesarios a este tipo de eventos para no perderlos en el ingreso. En caso de viajes de 2 o más días llevar ropa de cambio, almohadas, cobijas, cargadores, etc.

Todos nuestros tours, viajes o traslados son por reservación, dependiendo del evento y sus características definimos  un monto de reservación inferior al 50% del monto total para asegurar un viaje. El monto restante para la totalidad se cancela el mismo día del Tour.

Nos adaptamos a las necesidades y facilidades de cada uno de nuestros clientes. Los principales métodos de pago son: Zelle, efectivo en divisas, Transferencias en Bs o pago móvil. En cualquier caso siempre consultar primero disponibilidad en el tour, y tasa del día.

No hay una cantidad de días o tiempo exacto para reservar, todo dependerá de la asistencia de personas y la cantidad de reservaciones que vayamos recibiendo, se recomienda hacerlo con un tiempo considerable antes del evento para asegurar el cupo y no perderlo.

Dependerá de la cantidad de personas, en muchos casos han salido uno, dos, tres y hasta cinco autobuses para determinados eventos o conciertos, si se habilita uno o no dependerá de la asistencia y reservación de pasajeros.

Un tour, viaje o traslado está asegurado cuando contamos con al menos el 60% de la capacidad de la unidad de transporte.

Si, en cada caso cada uno de nuestros pasajeros estará en contacto con nuestro equipo el cual indicará toda la información pertinente.

En cada traslado, nuestros clientes se pondrán en contacto con nuestro equipo, para formalizar la reservación debe hacerse con el monto estipulado para ese viaje, una vez realizado el pago el cliente debe enviarnos sus datos: Nombre, apellido, cédula, teléfono y ciudad, para organizar la lista de pasajeros.

Si, aunque dependerá del tipo de viaje y de la edad del niño, este siempre debe viajar con su padre, madre o representante legal, en caso de ser representante legal debe contar con permiso de la Lopna (consultar a nuestro equipo).


We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.


We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.

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